Meet Sarah and Willie, and their two dogs Jack and Nori.
They sprung to fame when they started documenting their move to Skye on Youtube and Insta, quickly garnering tens of thousands of subscribers as they fixed up their cottage and restored the old byre next door. Check out their channel on Youtube, “Living The Skye Life”.
Sarah is an artist, and was in the newly restored and cosy byre packing many beautiful prints for delivery when I visited. Willie is a professional musician, singer and songwriter, and has rigged up a very nicely kitted out studio in the back room of the byre where he works on commissions for his clients.
When they aren't drawing, painting and, composing, they are capturing video content (including me photographing them), editing, uploading and all the other things associated with the new world of digital media. The arrival of new puppy Nori was causing some tumult during my visit and I suspect Willie and Sarah will have their work cut out for the next few months.