SOLD OUT in two weeks
Speechless here. Luckily I can still type though.
Beyond my wildest expectations, the first edition of Skye At Night has sold out tonight, just two weeks after launch. Incredible.
Every order raises about £10 for the Skye Mountain Rescue Team, so that 250 copies will bring them £2500 (I’ve already sent them £1700 of that).
Willie and Sarah who run YouTube channel “Living The Skye Life” included the book launch in their weekly video tonight, resulting in a pile of new orders that completely cleared out all remaining stock, which hardly had time to get used to being in Skye before being packed and despatched.
I ordered a second print run earlier this week, which will arrive in Skye mid-September. I’ve now set up a new ordering page for this second edition so people can get their order in for despatch as soon as the books get here.
Ordering a print run is a significant thing, as it all has to be paid for up front by me. It costs thousands of pounds, and is nerve shredding as I have to approve it, after which it’s too late to fix any typos or mistakes.
I’ve used the opportunity to fix some mistakes and typos in the first edition, tweaked a couple of images, and changed the makeup of the cover. The first edition had a “debossed” hardback (with the Skye At Night text and map of Skye debossed on it), wrapped in a glossy paper jacket. I’ve now changed this to be what is called an “image wrap” cover, where the cover artwork is bonded to the hardback and wrapped around the outside of the book. It’s equally as glossy and lovely, buw will be more robust and long-lived than the paper jacket.
What a fortnight this has been. Many thanks to everyone who has purchased a book, and to those who are ordering the second edition. You’re all superstars.